Reflection on my blog feedback

Throughout the revision process of my essay exploring the connection between my grandmother and apple pie, I received valuable feedback that urged me to shift from telling the reader about our relationship to showing specific moments with my grandmother. I embraced this feedback and realized the importance of incorporating more scenes and details to bring our shared experiences to life.

In response to the feedback, I delved deeper into my memories and added vivid descriptions of my grandmother’s cozy kitchen, the comforting aroma of baking apples, and the worn, flour-dusted apron she always wore. I also included details about her gentle smile, the twinkling in her eyes as she shared stories from her past, and the warmth of her embrace that made me feel loved and cherished.

Furthermore, I integrated snippets of dialogue that captured the essence of our conversations and interactions, allowing the reader to better understand the dynamics of our relationship and the depth of my grandmother’s character. These additions not only enhanced the authenticity of the narrative but also enriched the emotional resonance of the essay.

Reflecting on this revision process, I recognize a parallel to the insights gleaned from “The Maker’s Eye” regarding the significance of revising and editing to refine the clarity and impact of one’s writing. By revisiting my essay with a critical lens, actively engaging with feedback, and making purposeful adjustments, I was able to elevate the narrative, effectively communicate the significance of my relationship with my grandmother, and convey a more compelling and authentic portrayal of our bond. This experience underscored the transformative power of revision in enhancing the quality and depth of my writing.

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